24 research outputs found

    New LiDAR System Pinpoints Pedestrian Behavior to Improve Eficiency and Safety at Intersections

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    Pedestrian safety is critical to improving walkability in cities. To that end, NITC researchers have developed a system for collecting pedestrian behavior data using LiDAR sensors. Tested at two intersections in Texas and soon to be tested at another in Salt Lake City, Utah, the new software created by a multi-university research team is able to reliably observe pedestrian behavior and can help reduce conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles at signalized intersections. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is already working on implementing this new LiDAR system to improve data collection at intersections

    Analysis of highway performance under mixed connected and regular vehicle environment

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    Purpose – This study aims to study the connected vehicle (CV) impact on highway operational performance under a mixed CV and regular vehicle (RV) environment. Design/methodology/approach – The authors implemented a mixed traffic flow model, along with a CV speed control model, in the simulation environment. According to the different traffic characteristics between CVs and RVs, this research first analyzed how the operation of CVs can affect highway capacity under both one-lane and multi-lane cases. A hypothesis was then made that there shall exist a critical CV penetration rate that can significantly show the benefit of CV to the overall traffic. To prove this concept, this study simulated the mixed traffic pattern under various conditions. Findings – The results of this research revealed that performing optimal speed control to CVs will concurrently benefit RVs by improving highway capacity. Furthermore, a critical CV penetration rate should exist at a specified traffic demand level, which can significantly reduce the speed difference between RVs and CVs. The results offer effective insight to understand the potential impacts of different CV penetration rates on highway operation performance. Originality/value – This approach assumes that there shall exist a critical CV penetration rate that can maximize the benefits of CV implementations. CV penetration rate (the proportion of CVs in mixed traffic) is the key factor affecting the impacts of CV on freeway operational performance. The evaluation criteria for freeway operational performance are using average travel time under different given traffic demand patterns

    A heuristic explicit model predictive control framework for Eco-trajectory planning: Theoretical analysis and case study

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    The trajectory planning problem (TPP) has become increasingly crucial in the research of next-generation transportation systems, but it presents challenges due to the non-linearity of its constraints. One specific case within TPP, namely the Eco-trajectory Planning Problem (EPP), poses even greater computational difficulties due to its nonlinear, high-order, and non-convex objective function. This paper proposes a heuristic explicit predictive model control (heMPC) framework to address the eco-trajectory planning problem in scenarios without lane-changing behavior. The heMPC framework consists of an offline module and an online module. In the offline module, we build an optimal eco-trajectory batch by optimizing a series of simplified EPPs considering different system initial states and terminal states, which is equivalent to the lookup table in the general eMPC framework. The core idea of the offline module is to finish all potential optimization and computing in advance to avoid any form of online optimization in the online module. In the online module, we provide static and dynamic trajectory planning algorithms. Both algorithms greatly improve the computational efficiency of planning and only suffer from a limited extent of optimality losses through a batch-based selection process because any optimization and calculation are pre-computed in the offline module. The latter algorithm is also able to face possible emergencies and prediction errors. Both theoretical analysis and numerical are shown and discussed to test the computational quality and efficiency of the heMPC framework under a mixed-traffic flow environment that incorporates human-driving vehicles (HDV) and connected and automated vehicles (CAV) with different market penetration rates (MPR)

    Pedestrian Behavior Study to Advance Pedestrian Safety in Smart Transportation Systems Using Innovative LiDAR Sensors

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    Pedestrian safety is critical to improving walkability in cities. Although walking trips have increased in the last decade, pedestrian safety remains a top concern. In 2020, 6,516 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes, representing the most deaths since 1990 (NHTSA, 2020). Approximately 15% of these occurred at signalized intersections where a variety of modes converge, leading to the increased propensity of conflicts. Current signal timing and detection technologies are heavily biased towards vehicular traffic, often leading to higher delays and insufficient walk times for pedestrians, which could result in risky behaviors such as noncompliance. Current detection systems for pedestrians at signalized intersections consist primarily of push buttons. Limitations include the inability to provide feedback to the pedestrian that they have been detected, especially with older devices, and not being able to dynamically extend the walk times if the pedestrians fail to clear the crosswalk. Smart transportation systems play a vital role in enhancing mobility and safety and provide innovative techniques to connect pedestrians, vehicles, and infrastructure. Most research on smart and connected technologies is focused on vehicles; however, there is a critical need to harness the power of these technologies to study pedestrian behavior, as pedestrians are the most vulnerable users of the transportation system. While a few studies have used location technologies to detect pedestrians, this coverage is usually small and favors people with smartphones. However, the transportation system must consider a full spectrum of pedestrians and accommodate everyone. In this research, the investigators first review the previous studies on pedestrian behavior data and sensing technologies. Then the research team developed a pedestrian behavioral data collecting system based on the emerging LiDAR sensors. The system was deployed at two signalized intersections. Two studies were conducted: (a) pedestrian behaviors study at signalized intersections, analyzing the pedestrian waiting time before crossing, generalized perception-reaction time to WALK sign and crossing speed; and (b) a novel dynamic flashing yellow arrow (D-FYA) solution to separate permissive left-turn vehicles from concurrent crossing pedestrians. The results reveal that the pedestrian behaviors may have evolved compared with the recommended behaviors in the pedestrian facility design guideline (e.g., AASHTO’s “Green Book”). The D-FYA solution was also evaluated on the cabinet-in-theloop simulation platform and the improvements were promising. The findings in this study will advance the body of knowledge on equitable traffic safety, especially for pedestrian safety in the future

    New LiDAR System Pinpoints Pedestrian Behavior to Improve Efficiency and Safety at Intersections [Brief]

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    Pedestrian safety is critical to improving walkability in cities. To that end, NITC researchers have developed a system for collecting pedestrian behavior data using LiDAR sensors. Tested at two intersections in Texas and soon to be tested at another in Salt Lake City, Utah, the new software created by a multi-university research team is able to reliably observe pedestrian behavior and can help reduce conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles at signalized intersections. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is already working on implementing this new LiDAR system to improve data collection at intersections

    Mobile Phone-Based Artificial Intelligence Development for Maintenance Asset Management

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    22-8099Transportation asset management needs timely information collection to inform relevant maintenance practices (e.g., resource planning). Traditional data collection methods in transportation asset management require either manual operation or support of unique equipment (e.g., Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)), which could be labor-intensive or costly to implement. With the advancement of computing techniques, artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed to be capable of automatically detecting objects in images and videos. In this project, we developed accurate and efficient AI algorithms to automatically collect and analyze transportation asset status, including identification of pavement marking issues, traffic signs, litter & trash, and steel guardrails & concrete barriers. The AI algorithms were developed based on the You Only Look Once (YOLO) framework built on Convolution Neural Network as the deep learning algorithms. Specifically, a smartphone was mounted on the vehicle\u2019s front windshield to collect videos of transportation assets on both highways and local roads. These videos were then converted and processed into labeled images to be training and test datasets for AI algorithm training. Then, AI models were developed for automatic object detection of the listed transportation assets above. The results demonstrate that the developed AI models achieve good performance in identifying targeted objects with over 85% accuracy. The developed AI package is expected to enable timely and efficient information collection of transportation assets, hence, improving road safety

    Pedestrian Behavior Study to Advance Pedestrian Safety in Smart Transportation Systems Using Innovative LiDAR Sensors

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    69A3551747112Pedestrian safety is critical to improving walkability in cities. Although walking trips have increased in the last decade, pedestrian safety remains a top concern. In 2020, 6,516 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes, representing the most deaths since 1990 (NHTSA, 2020). Approximately 15% of these occurred at signalized intersections where a variety of modes converge, leading to the increased propensity of conflicts. Current signal timing and detection technologies are heavily biased towards vehicular traffic, often leading to higher delays and insufficient walk times for pedestrians, which could result in risky behaviors such as noncompliance. Current detection systems for pedestrians at signalized intersections consist primarily of push buttons. Limitations include the inability to provide feedback to the pedestrian that they have been detected, especially with older devices, and not being able to dynamically extend the walk times if the pedestrians fail to clear the crosswalk. Smart transportation systems play a vital role in enhancing mobility and safety and provide innovative techniques to connect pedestrians, vehicles, and infrastructure. Most research on smart and connected technologies is focused on vehicles; however, there is a critical need to harness the power of these technologies to study pedestrian behavior, as pedestrians are the most vulnerable users of the transportation system. While a few studies have used location technologies to detect pedestrians, this coverage is usually small and favors people with smartphones. However, the transportation system must consider a full spectrum of pedestrians and accommodate everyone. In this research, the investigators first review the previous studies on pedestrian behavior data and sensing technologies. Then the research team developed a pedestrian behavioral data collecting system based on the emerging LiDAR sensors. The system was deployed at two signalized intersections. Two studies were conducted: (a) pedestrian behaviors study at signalized intersections, analyzing the pedestrian waiting time before crossing, generalized perception-reaction time to WALK sign and crossing speed; and (b) a novel dynamic flashing yellow arrow (D-FYA) solution to separate permissive left-turn vehicles from concurrent crossing pedestrians. The results reveal that the pedestrian behaviors may have evolved compared with the recommended behaviors in the pedestrian facility design guideline (e.g., AASHTO\u2019s \u201cGreen Book\u201d). The D-FYA solution was also evaluated on the cabinet-in-the-loop simulation platform and the improvements were promising. The findings in this study will advance the body of knowledge on equitable traffic safety, especially for pedestrian safety in the future